My Agency’s Experience with Internet Insurance Leads Has Changed For the Better

These days, you no longer have to wait for any referrals to be made or for walk ins to show up at my office. Most importantly, cold calling is no longer a viable option. When I began my career in financial service, I cold called for at least 5-8 hours per week and was constantly pounded by peopleChurch Insurance Agency.

The lead world has changed dramatically since I started my business in 1996. Thanks to the internet, lead aggregation web sites can generate a constant flow of leads for me and my casually owned insurance agency.

I can tell the provider when I want leads and which zip codes to target. I can also specify the type or client I want to talk to. I can export the leads to my contact system and drip on any unclosed leads. Most often, the lead providers will contact the prospect client with an email inviting them to my agency.

The best thing about internet leads for insurance is that they are immediate and have a commitment from the prospect. I used to get 45 rejections from every 5 warm leads. Sometimes, I even got 1 appointment.

My strategy was for one of these newer lead providers to be started by insurance agents. I find they have plenty of leads that are relevant to my area and I rarely run into agents that use larger lead suppliers. I don’t always use all the leads, so why do you choose the industry giant.

Important to me was that I chose an insurance leads vendor that wasn’t going to nickel me for bad leads. I have been pleased with the policy of return and the prospect know that I will be calling.

I use the internet for auto leads. About 10 leads per day are taken by my agency. It has been a wonderful tool in my recruitment of other agents and for scaling up my insurance business. I am currently exploring lead management software for insurance agencies to better track the outstanding and closed leads. Many agents discard unclosed leads. I find that these prospects convert 6-12 month later, if the agent has provided poor service.

My agency will become one of the top auto insurance producers in my state within the next twelve month, even if it is only a 10-15% closer ratio.

It isn’t often that things get easier in business, but I have seen my business grow quickly thanks to auto insurance leads.